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Speakers & Accessories

Speakers and Accessories

The art of good surround sound lies entirely in the range that an audio system allows. Current audio speakers in our phones, tablets, or laptops lack the finesse that can actually do our acoustics justice. For many, the excessive bulk and wiring that accompanies traditional speaker systems is what puts us off from using them. Whether you’re looking to enhance your existing speaker components or hoping to purchase something entirely new, we have the answers for you. Our range of speaker accessories on Firefold are the real underdogs every home, office, or building needs. And we are here to convince you why.

Organize and Rewire:
It’s quite difficult to part with a surround sound system that does its job right. It might do well just to fix what you rather have than buy something you don’t need. However, the following speaker accessories could be considered integral add-ons that can help in enhancing your audio experience.

Speaker Switch Box:
Possibly one of the most popular and highly underrated speaker accessories is the speaker switch box. Also called the speaker switchboard, this appliance helps you to organize all of your speakers in one place. Our 4-way speaker switch box typically finds itself sold out. Perhaps because of its ability in connecting any 4 of your current audio speakers to be managed directly from the switchboard. When connected speakers are used together, audio can be seamlessly amplified, this could take your next movie night to the next level.

Volume Control Wall Plates:
Another great investment to add to your existing speaker system would be the FireFold Volume Control wall plates. These can be fitted within each individual room to control the volume of your inter-connected speakers. If all your speakers play simultaneously, adjust the volume in specific portions of the home or office immediately. This speaker accessory allows a convenient solution to adjusting volume from the comfort of any room.

Consider going Wireless:
Technology has managed to surpass all of our wildest imaginations, one of which is the ability to go completely wireless. You must have heard of devices like multimedia bluetooth speakers or Vanco spot for dot, but what exactly are they? And why do we need them?

Bluetooth Speakers:
The first thing wireless speakers manage to do is declutter your spaces and keep your wires tangle-free. Moreover, wireless design and rechargeable batteries allow them to be extremely portable. With multimedia Bluetooth speakers, there is no need to look for plugs everywhere you go. A lot of Bluetooth devices today even manage to be waterproof, like the Terra Rugged waterproof speaker on our website.

Voice-control speaker accessories:
Another technological advancement in hands-free design are voice-control devices. Devices like the Vanco spot for dot combine both voice control and Bluetooth for a completely flexible experience. This device connects seamlessly with the Amazon echo dot, which is flushed within a wall. The Vanco spot for dot uses the powers of Amazon echo to its advantage for an incredibly user-friendly approach. This allows you to connect all your speakers to a voice-powered, ergonomically fit sized panel. Axium LCD panels are also a popular and optional final layer in these IR devices, allowing for a sleek and durable finish.

Oftentimes, speakers can look too bulky. Because of this, speaker accessories parts have now reached a more thoughtful, dedicated space within interiors. Nowadays, many place their speakers and accessories within wall or ceiling cavities. Whether you’re opting for a Vanco in-wall speaker or in-ceiling speaker, consider their pros and cons.

In-ceiling speakers:
These are probably the cheaper of the two options that offer a new dimension of sound. Most in-ceiling speakers come in small sizes and neutral colors, to seamlessly blend into your existing room décor. Others are sleek and attractive, so they add a unique style to your overall interior spaces. Setting the ambience has never been easier with options like in-ceiling speakers Bluetooth devices.

In-wall speakers:
Although pricier than in-ceiling speakers, these offer a much better sound quality. This is partially due to the larger size they can comparatively attain, consider the dimensions of the Vanco in-wall speakers, for instance. Some in-wall speakers also do well with water and humidity, allowing them to be great options for outdoors.

Know the differences:
To make an informed decision before buying your speaker, you must know what you need it for. Certain specifications to keep in mind, such as the following, will help you make the right call.

Woofers vs Subwoofers:
The full spectrum of sound depends entirely on frequencies that are audible to the human ear. Woofers essentially are those speakers or accessories that play sound on the lower end of the audible spectrum. This device ends up contributing greatly to the overall bass of the sound, which allows us to experience it on another sensory level. The minimum pitch we can hear is 20 Hertz. Subwoofers, like the buttkicker subwoofer, are essentially just an even lower frequency ranged woofer. Where woofers range from 20 to 2,000 Hertz, subwoofers range typically from 20 to 200 Hertz.

Domestic vs. Professional:
The requirements of domestic and professional speakers and accessories greatly vary. The kinds of audio you wish to hear at home and in your workspaces are completely different. The best options for home devices require a bass of frequency below 200 Hertz, making subwoofers for homes a perfect choice. The buttkicker subwoofer, for instance, would be a great addition for your home interior needs. The silent version within their range is perfect for home theaters. Speaker accessories for more professional endeavors should be durable, weather resistant, and have great audibility. The Beale Street audio or Hifi speaker components are brands worth considering within this domain. A combination of in-wall and in-ceiling speakers could go a long way for professional settings like meeting rooms or conference halls. Whether you go for Beale Street Audio or Vanco speaker accessories, just remember to purchase something that meets your needs. Sometimes, something as simple as an axium LCD panel can do the trick to improve your home lifestyles or workflows. Whatever sounds good to you!
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